Three Christmas Family Event

Helping increase Employee NPS from 7.7 to 9 out of 10 by producing an exciting, immersive, story led family Christmas event for Three.

The Why

Three put a big emphasis on employee satisfaction and engagement. As part of this are the multiple family days they hold each year. 

These events happen a few days after an employee party at take place at offices across the country. Allowing time for families to connect outside of work and let their kids have fun at the same time. 

For Christmas, we were tasked with creating an immersive story led event that would involve the children whilst taking them through a narrative.

The Solution

A magical winter wonderland that excited the children and families in the spirit of Christmas. 

Entering through the tundra, the dry ice, lights and soundscape immersed everyone in the start of the story. 

Santa’s elves had lost their Christmas spirit and they needed the children’s help to get it back. 

Being led through the story by the elves, the children set about helping them get their Christmas spirit back by helping with their tasks; crafts in Santa’s workshop, writing and reading  wish lists for the wishmas tree, creating gingerbread men for everyone to enjoy.

With the children’s help the elves regained their Christmas spirit, and just in time for Santa to make his appearance who led the families through some carols before having pictures.

The Results

The event was a resounding success, marked by an increase in employee NPS from 7.7 to 9 out of 10 and overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants.

It set a new standard for what can be achieved with limited resources, proving that creativity and community spirit can transform a small budget into a spectacular, heartwarming celebration.

Here are some quotes from employees:

“Thank you so much for organising this. My girls loved it! And when Santa arrived, the look on all their faces was amazing. It was so well organised & my grandchildren had such an amazing time.”

“The magic of the entire day was amazing, I loved seeing how happy all the children were.  It was a really good day, the kids loved it!”

From the client!

“Chameleon have been a pleasure to work with since winning the tender to become our dedicated events supplier. They have helped teams across the business deliver amazing work whilst also helping our budgets go further and adding value at every step of the process. Their approach is unique, works very well and delivers great creative ideas with lots of attention to detail. I’d highly recommend working with them.”

Kim Davis, Senior Communications Manager, Three UK

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